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Online Business Temple Scaling Program

online business temple remi oduyemi business strategist and scaling coach

Are you ready to build the business and team you always dreamed of?   



Our 60-day program and proven system for business scaling.

You can amplify your income and explode your business growth with people, systems and processes. Working from our magical space called The Temple.

The Temple will ascend your business model, your team structure & scale your business with ease… So that you can step away from your business… and it still runs without you.

What is OBT?    

OBT is a 60-day, step-by-step training where you learn how to scale up your online business to the next financial level & beyond, using automation, delegation & leadership.
The program includes an intensive online curriculum, weekly live consulting hotseat Q&A calls, and an exclusive mastermind of supportive entrepreneurs working side-by-side to help you scale your business, income and team and leveraging our best-in-class strategy & framework.    

The goal of this program is to provide you with all of the steps and support you need, to create a highly profitable online business. And to get you to be able to take a break from your business by; leveraging your vision and values, onboarding the right team and optimising your systems and operations.

Who is it for?    

This program is for anyone who has an existing and established online service based business and wants to scale up their expertise online. If you are an online coach, consultant or expert - this is absolutely for you.


When does it start?          
31st Jan 2022. You start as soon as you enroll and will have immediate and lifetime access to our online curriculum. You get access to 60 days of mastermind live call support, and access to our private community. You can rest assured you’ll never feel alone in your journey, as you have immediate lifetime access to the program, when you enroll.  

The Missson     

We are on a mission to elevate small business owners by giving them the strategy and tools to share their unique genius on a much bigger stage. To create a legacy business that will live on long after they’re gone. Deeper Mission is to build life changing businesses that strengthen families & communities.

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What does it include?      

The program takes you through the entire process of scaling your profitable online business. We teach you the framework, business models and the asset deliverables (we show you over our shoulder exactly how to build a scalable course, membership, mastermind or funnel inside the temple) and we show you how to hire and lead your new or existing team.

How much is it?      

£250 per month, contracted for 12 months.
£3000 in full (Waiting list folks can get a £500 discount offer)

Is This You?   

  • You love what you do - but don’t want to work as much as you do.
  • Do you feel excited about your business ideas, but overwhelmed when it comes to making it all happen?
  • You have clients,  you’ve established a business and you are making money. But can’t figure out how to take your business to the next level and create consistent reliable income online.
  • You are an expert at what you do, but feel lost/overwhelmed when it comes to business, marketing and hiring people to help you.
  • You started your business for freedom but feel trapped in your business.
  • ​You want to leverage your time and freedom by having a profitable online business where you don’t have to do everything by yourself. 
  • You want the option to work from home, travel the world, quit your job, and choose your own hours.
  • You're stressed by your never ending to-do list and feel like you're wading in quicksand.
  • ​You want to grow a profitable business, but you don't know how to create a business effectively or bring in / develop a team.
  • You’re too busy to waste time on tactics that don’t work.
  • You want to build a business based on your values. 
  • You’re not sure how to really grow the business you have created and grow it with confidence & authenticity.

    If the statements above describe YOU….
    Online Business Temple is the perfect solution for you. 

    Apply Now! online business temple  

    Now is an incredible time to grow your high-impact business online.
    And I'm guessing that... 

    • You're no longer willing to settle for a life that doesn't fulfill you.
    • You're determined to serve others and make an impact.
    • You're ready to build a sustainable business that generates real revenue.

    Which is why you need this OBT, so that you can stop messing around, and instead make this the year your dream becomes a reality.

    How Does It Work?    


    No more guessing and wondering if you’re doing the right things - simply follow our step-by-step blueprint, work hard, ask questions, and watch the magic happen.

    We hold group coaching calls every week to give customised, in-depth coaching anytime you need it. **Trialling** Support is also available anytime you post your questions in our private student Telegram group.

    When you join OBT, you’ll be given access to 8 modules of curriculum. It’s dripped out week-by-week, so you have time to learn & implement before going onto the next step.

    When you join OBT, you’re given lifetime access to the curriculum and ALL future program updates. Even after the 60 days of community support, the educational modules & resources we will be here for you during every step of your journey.

    When you join OBT, you'll be assigned to your own dedicated Accountability Coach, who is responsible for tracking your progress, helping you get unstuck, and holding you accountable EVERY single week.

    We know that being an entrepreneur can be lonely. But when you join the OBT family, you’ll be warmly welcomed into an active community of other like-minded small business owners who you can connect & mastermind with. You’ll be inspired, motivated, held accountable… and you’ll make friends for life.

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    • Onboarding and Pre-work 
    • Temple Style Orientation
    • Comprehensive, detailed training designed to walk you step-by-step towards your scalable business using our proven Temple framework.
    • Training on how to hire and train the perfect team to support you
    • The Temple Scaling System TM
    • Expert Step by step Tech Training Scale Up Your Income Training
    • Temple Mindset Hub
    • Temple Hotseat Mastermind Calls
    • Gamification - badges and rewards for putting in the work

    OBT works for businesses of all sizes and structures, so whether you’re currently solopreneur-ing it or are already billy big b*llocks with a small growing team, we can help you scale the right way.

    online business temple remi oduyemi   

    You should apply if:

    • You’re willing to commit to our proven process and do the work.
    • You are aware that this will take time to implement.
    • You are open to being coached and prepared to push yourself

      You should NOT apply if:

    • You’re convinced your business will flop without you in it 
    • You’re not willing to follow a proven process & put in the work.
    • You don’t have enough money to pay your bills next month.
    • You want or desire a quick fix for your business.
    • You don’t have 3 months to devote to improving your business.

      OBT was designed to help you:    

      • Take your business to the next level by getting mega organised & efficient
      • Structure your businesses back-end operations for efficient growth + scaling
      • Feel confident that one day your business can move forward without you IN it
      • Step into your LEADER role
      • Find your aligned team members
      • Educate & empower your people so they can self-manage (no micro management)
      • Remove yourself from the day-to-day operations and step fully into the CEO role
      • Focus on income generating tasks and train your team to do the rest

    By the end of Online Business Temple you will:     

    • ​Have an operationally scaled freedom-based business that fits into the life you want to live, giving you the time to do what you want, with who you want, where you want, when you want. 
    • ​Have a scalable business that scales with you and serves your ideal client in an aligned way. 
    • Have a well constructed 1 to many business model or a tightened up 1 to 1 business that gives you back more time freedom. 
    • ​Be more confident about scaling your business and packages with ease. 
    • ​Understand exactly how to solve any problem within your business and team, and have an entire community to support you in reaching your goals.

      Our Complete Confidence Guarantee

      We want to make this totally risk-free for you, if you enroll today, we’re also offering you a 7-day money back guarantee.

    Meet Your Temple Guide

    remi oduyemi online business temple

    Hi I'm Remi.

    I am a Black business coach and strategist. I am the founder of the Online Business Temple.
    I've mentioned my colour because it's really important that I address this right off the bat.

    There are significantly fewer Black business coaches out there… and I know from experience that many people have chosen not to work with me because of the colour of my skin. Because unfortunately we live in a world where we still have biases unconscious or conscious. I want to change that.

    I am aware that I still have to work harder than most in this industry, to overcome those barriers.

    They often return to me and share horrible experiences they've had elsewhere and I can't tell you how many times I've heard "I should've booked with you first". 

    I make my impact by showing up with authority, integrity, knowledge and proven experience.
    I create courses and programs that work and deliver results.

    I've been an entrepreneur and in business since around the age of 11 when I first started sneaking off the school grounds to buy snacks and up-selling them in the school playground for a considerable markup.

    I have grown two successful businesses on my own from scratch and know the struggles that business owners go through from startup up, building, growing and now scaling.

    I learnt my business skills as I experience growing my own businesses but also I have been a certified small business coach for the government for 10 + years.

    remi oduyemi online business templeWhilst working for the BBC I was privileged to undergo leadership and management training and whilst doing my degree in Business Management and computer science I was able to attain qualifications in the areas in which I now teach.

    I love everything about growing businesses. 
    I also love tech. I’m a proper true geek.
    If I was on the TV show Mastermind, Business would be my chosen subject.

    Over the last few years I have grown my business coaching practice and have evolved into a consultant and Trainer.
    I love nothing more than getting into other people's businesses finding the problems delivering the solutions and watching them grow. Consider me your business gardener. 

    On a random side note, I am a keen gardener and love nothing better than growing my yellow courgettes, tomatoes and cucumbers every summer in my garden.

    Pre having a child I was a professional basketball player. I believe in team sports wholeheartedly as they give you the life skills and people skills that you can't get anywhere else.

    I can get on with pretty much everyone.
    I also hold no bars when I speak and when I delivering training. I don't have time for BS.

    I have a tendency to go deep with people to get to the real reasons of ‘why’ they do the things that they do. Because that's where I find the best in people. I studied psychology for a while also.

    Through playing basketball I discovered I had a skill that has transcended across into how I do business.

    As a basketball player I was able to see all the moving parts on the floor and sometimes before they even happened. If you've ever seen the queen's gambit TV show on Netflix where the main character looks up at the ceiling and sees a chess board and how all the pieces move, and what the next strategy should be, that's how I saw basketball. A true gift, an innate gift.  And it's how I see business too.

    I can see all the moving parts. I can see what's working, what isn't working and how to fix those problems easily. That's what I bring to the table.
    Alongside this I bring humour, passion, drive, loyalty and accountability to my work. 

    I have a penchant for big earrings, colourful scarfs and I love a spicy rum of an evening. 
    I'm a girl mum and a dog mum… so if you know.. you know lol…. life is hectic, fun and an adventure every single day.

    REMI ODUYEMI ONLINE BUSINESS TEMPLEI want to help you to live your Life the same way.

    In August 2021 I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and it changed everything for me. I had to slow down to go faster.
    It helped me birth the Online Business Temple.
    Out of tragedy, comes triumph right?
    My diagnosis is good and I've never felt more alive than right now.

    I love people, people of all colours, shapes, sizes and everything in between.

    I invite you to get to know me…and the OBT TEAM... to get to know what it feels like to live the life you've always wanted to live. It's possible.

    And I'm here to help you achieve that.
    Remi x

    If you are ready to create a profitable scalable online business in the next 60 days… 

    Apply Now! online business temple

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